"Though I do not believe a plant will spring up where no seed has been, I have great faith in a seed. Convince me that you have a seed there, and I am prepared to expect wonders."
Henry D. Thoreau's Faith in a Seed
It is the New Year. We all know about New Year’s resolutions and how short-lived they can be... so the invitation for this time together is to take this new beginning as an opportunity to look closely at how we have been living our lives. What if we just had just one more year to live? Would we be spending our time in the same way? Seeing the same people? Same job? Relationship?
During this time together we will mediate, explore and reflect on what really matters. Considering what are the seeds we want to plant and nourish longer term so life can be more fulfilling and aligned with our own truth, our own life.
Becoming aware of intention is the key to awakening in moment-to-moment practice. A long-term intention is also called a vow or dedication. Setting a long-term intention is like setting the compass of our heart. No matter how rough the storms, how difficult the terrain, even if we have to backtrack around obstacles, our direction is clear. The fruits of dedication are visible in the best of human endeavors.